Welcome to Foundations for Sector 3
About the Programme
Foundations 4 Sector 3 (F4S3) is an induction training programme for the nonprofit community. Designed for people who have recently started working in the sector, including new entrants, recent college graduates, or those who have made a career change. The course will provide you with an understanding of how the third sector functions. The areas covered include:
Landscape of the Third Sector
Public Policy & Advocacy
Professional Skills Necessary to Work in the Third Sector
Personal Skills Necessary to Work in the Third Sector.
The programme uses a blended learning approach with both face-to-face learning and webinars or can be fully run online. It has been developed in line with the European Qualification Framework (EQF), Level 4 and learning is validated and certified using digital badges.  The training programme is available to anyone new to the sector and is free of charge.  F4S3 has been developed with partners in Ireland, Wales, Finland, Germany. Each  partner has run two pilot training  programmes in early 2022.
Programme Launch
We launched F4S3 in October 2022. Visit our Resources page for access to the full training package including:
Lesson plans
Training slides
Additional resources for your learners
Online links for learners to claim their digital badges upon completion of a module or the programme.