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The Wheel The Wheel is Ireland’s national association of charities, community groups and social enterprises. As a representative voice, we provide leadership to the charity and community sector, and we advocate on behalf of our growing community of members. As a supportive resource, we offer advice, training and other opportunities to people working or volunteering in the charity and community sector. We have over 2000 members nationally and celebrated 20 years in operation in 2019. We have a dedicated European Programmes department and are experienced Erasmus+ project partners, most recently as a lead partner. Our Access Europe programme supports Irish third sector organisations to unlock EU funding across a variety of funding streams, as well as providing support and advice to Irish civil society groups. For this project The Wheel is coordinator with responsibility for intellectual output 1: Sector Specific Knowledge. Visit The Wheel's website for more information or contact CathyAnne Fox on
Wales Council for Voluntary ActionWales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector in Wales. WCVA’s mission is to be a catalyst for positive change by connecting, enabling and influencing. Our vision is for a future where the third sector and volunteering thrive across Wales, improving wellbeing for all and to make a bigger difference together. WCVA has been involved in the design and implementation of the Structural Funds in Wales since 2000. We have delivered a range of operations over the past 20 years, supporting people furthest away from the labour market and helping social businesses grow. WCVA was appointed as an Intermediate Body under the 2014-2020 programme, in recognition of its ability to effectively manage and administer competitive grants on behalf of the Welsh European Funding Office. WCVA has also been involved in an Interreg North-West Europe transnational project aiming to establish local community currencies. WCVA is responsible for intellectual output 2: Personal and professional development skills Visit for more information or contact Wendy Gilbert, WCVA’s Learning Officer and Project Manager:
University of BambergResearch and development projects at the professorship for Business Education – Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg There are a number of research and development projects underway at the professorship for Business Education. Focus areas are: The design of teaching and learning environments in business and economic education and their evaluation The organisational modelling of educational organisations, especially in vocational schools and universities The development of study and educational programs The projects are in the areas of higher education, vocational and operational education, and teacher training. The aim of this research is to provide theoretical grounding in order understand social phenomena and to show design potential for vocational education. For more information please contact Sebastian Ciolek at
Sivis Study CentreSivis Study Centre (Opintotoiminnan Keskusliitto), Finland We maintain a nationwide non-formal adult education centre called Sivis Study Centre. Our mission is to foster citizens’ competences and promote active citizenship and voluntary work in co-operation with our members. We are specialised in training both volunteers and third-sector employees who supervise volunteers. Our strategic goals include ensuring that voluntary organisations can support skills development for good organisational and volunteer management. We have undertaken many projects to develop tools for strategic planning. We also work towards the mainstreaming of validation both in our own sector and in formal education. Most of our training activities are organised with our 75 member NGOs which operate nationwide. We reach around 100,000 learners in a year in total. Contact: Eeva Jeronen, General office,
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