Programme resources
We're excited to share the Foundations 4 Sector 3 (F4S3) training programme with you. This course aims to induct newcomers to the European third sector through a blended learning approach. Additionally, upon completion of each module, learners can claim a digital badge in recognition of their new skills and competence!
On this page you will find course content for the Irish Third Sector.​ The four training modules offered are:
Landscape of the Third Sector
Public Policy & Advocacy
Professional Skills Necessary to Work in the Third Sector
Personal Skills Necessary to Work in the Third Sector.
If you wish to run F4S3 in your organisation, you can download all the training resources below. The zip file contains all the files for all four modules of the programme, including:
Lesson plans
Training slides
Additional resources for your learners
Online links for learners to claim their digital badges upon completion of a module or the programme.
Once you download the files, you will have everything you need to run the course! You can run it as a package of four training modules or take it in bitesize pieces. For example, running one module to meet the training needs of your group.
If you have any further questions about the resources, please get in touch via the contact page or by emailing CathyAnne from The Wheel on cathyanne@wheel.ie.

Download the zip file below for all F4S3 training documents for Ireland.
Programme Templates
Throughout our project, the project partners used a number of templates to achieve our goals. These templates may act as a useful resource for you if you decide to run this training programme in your organisation. Duplicate the templates using these MS Forms links:
Training Needs Analysis - to be issued to learners in advance of the workshops
Post workshop survey for learners – to be shared with learners at the end of the programme
Post workshop survey for trainers – to be shared with trainers at the end of the programme.
Alternatively, use these templates as inspiration when building your own questionaries and surveys.
Skills Validation
You’ve completed the Foundations 4 Sector 3 programme – well done! Or maybe you have reviewed the learning outcomes and recognise that you have met these outcomes through your previous work experience, or through prior learning. Now it’s time to validate your skills and competencies and apply for your digital badges! It couldn’t be simpler.
Jump to the digital badge applications at these links:

When you apply for and accept all four badges, the Meta badge will be automatically issued to you.
Watch this video for an easy guide on how to apply for and share your digital badge.
Transferability Report

Download a summary of our Transferability Report.